Breast Surgery (Reduction / Sagging)

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of large breasts that are disproportionate to a woman’s body and can cause physical pain, discomfort or impair her ability to lead an active life. Emotional discomfort or self-consciousness is often associated with large pendulous breasts.

Before/After Picture(s):

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It improves breast size, shape and the associated conditions of large breasts that include:

  • Back, neck & shoulder pain caused by heavy weight of breasts
  • Shoulder discomfort from bra straps supporting heavy breasts
  • Restricted activity
  • Sagging, Stretched skin & low breast profile
  • Self-consciousness and emotional discomfort


It involves surgical removal of the excess fat, tissue & skin that contribute to large breasts.

If breast size is largely due to fatty tissue and not excess skin, then liposuction procedure alone may be used for breast reduction

What precautions are to be taken post surgery?

Initial swelling or discomfort is taken care of with medication. A support bra or elastic bandage dressing is to be worn for 1-2 weeks to minimize swelling/discomfort and support the breasts as they heal.

When can I resume my normal activities?

You will be able to return to work within 2-3 weeks time. Most normal activities including exercise may be resumed after three weeks or when your surgeon advises you to do so. Vigorous movements, especially arm movements or heavy weight lifting may be restricted for two to three weeks.

When will the results be apparent?

The results of Breast Reduction are visible immediately. Final results appear gradually over the next few months as swelling, edema subside and breast shape evolves.