
What is hypospadias?

Hypospadias refers to a urethral meatus ("pee-hole") which is located along the underside, rather than at the tip of the penis.

In minor, or distal hypospadias, the meatus may be located on the underside of the penis, in the glans. In more pronounced hypospadias, the urethra may be open from mid-shaft out to the glans, or the urethra may even be entirely absent, with the urine exiting the bladder behind the penis.

Is an operation necessary?

If the child has a glanular hypospadias (grade 1) the operation may not be necessary from the functional point of view. This means that he may not have problems with urination or with erections and sexual function later on in life. However this mild form of hypospadias may affect the child psychologically as the penis will not look normal and may result in wetting his cloths during urination or psychological problems.

If the child has distal (grade 2) or proximal (grade 3) hypospadias the operation is important to ensure adequate functions of the penis in the form of urination, erection and sexual function later on in life. Apart from the repair, children with hypospadias may have a very narrow opening that needs to be widened or dilated in order to avoid back pressure and infection of the bladder and kidneys.

Will my son become "normal" after hypospadias-operation?

Yes, in majority children with glanular (grade1), distal (grade 2) and the majority of proximal (grade 3) hypospadias, However in a small percentage of patients (especially in proximal forms) complications may occur that may impair the appearance or the function of the penis.

Before/After Picture(s):

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